Excavator 745


Number 745 - 1


Twin-axle clockwork-excavator. Light-blue. Chassis and roof are black, the small boom either blue or red, the clam yellowish (light-yellow). Two levers on the backside of the cabin. The BILLER Clockwork-key on the left side was NOT removable. The clockwork-spring is clearly shorter than the ones used with the locos - resulting in a shorter running-time. Tracks always with rectangular shape. First appearance in price lists 1959 - never mentioned as Novelty.


the clam from the right side

the clam from the left side

745 - blue clockwork excavtor - right side 

the clam from the left side


the rear of the cabin - showing both levers. Right lever to open and close the clam, the left lever controlling the clockwork - either start - stop or quick release

cabin rear


the clockwork - smaller, more simple and not the same as used in the locos... after being sand-blasted. And yes - the base has already received new treads :-)

sand-blasted clockwork

another view at the clockwork

generated: SEP-22-2002 last update: Autumn 2014